If you listen to your body when it whispers then you won't have to hear it scream
At Collective Wellness, we strive to satisfy our clients’ needs by providing them with comprehensive, customized, wellness services.
Each person has unique needs, which means they each require a specific combination of treatments or activities to help them relieve pain and find wellness.
No 'one-size-fits-all' treatments!
You are the most valuable investment you will ever make.
Based on your individual needs, we offer treatments using one or more modality. Read about them below.
Fascial Counterstrain
What is fascial counterstrain? Well I'm glad you asked!
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a skilled, passive manipulation of the body's fascia with the goal of normalizing associated painful responses and painful reflexes. It is a treatment that identifies and removes trapped inflammation from all tissues of the body.
The observable effects are decreased perception of pain, decreased inflammation, improved flexibility, improved proprioception, normalization of muscle tone and improved functional performance.
Every organ, nerve, artery, muscle, ligament, tendon, vein and lymphatic vessel in the human body is covered in layers of fascia which can reflexively contract, causing trapped inflammation. A gentle scan will identify locations of inflammation and the therapist can begin to release the layers of affected tissue, much like peeling back layers of an onion.
FCS works to release the tissue in spasm and the corresponding tender point by gently unloading the injured structure. The unloading releases trapped inflammation and results in a deep release which is hard to achieve in traditional therapies. As one layer is released it may reveal a deeper, more dominant cause.
Therapeutic Massage
All of our massage sessions are therapeutic-based treatments with techniques specifically customized to meet your needs.
These techniques were acquired through training and experience in a variety of methods for recovery, rehabilitation, muscle relief and tissue repair. Whether you need gentle, deep tissue, cupping, or stretching will be determined by you and your therapist at each session.
Combining these techniques provides consistent and beneficial experience with every visit.
Need a reason to get a massage? Here are 25 of them!
TMJ Therapeutic Massage w/TriggerPoint Therapy
This neck, face and scalp treatment includes therapeutic massage, triggerpoint therapy, and gentle stretch to all the muscles in those areas.
This treatment addresses TMJ pain, tinnitus, migraines, jaw clicking/popping, headaches, earache (non-viral), neck pain, jaw pain from clenching, misalignment, or grinding, and tight muscles.
In addition to treating the muscles mentioned above we will also do some gentle stretching to the hips and hamstrings. When these muscles are tight, they can cause an imbalance leading to an anterior pelvic tilt and an increased curve in the lower back, which can put stress on the jaw joint.​​
Tsuboki (su-bo-ki) Japanese Face Massage
The great thing about this rejuvenating face treatment is that it works on many levels at once, both inside and out. Using multiple techniques help prevent lines, wrinkles, and puffiness – it's like a natural facelift, without the surgical downtime!
When we work superficially, we improve skin tone, lymph flow, and stimulate collagen production. Working deeper with the muscles, we can affect muscle tone, smoothing wrinkles, fine lines, and promote a brighter and healthier appearance. Working with the lymphatic system helps remove metabolic waste products.
In the second stage we stimulate 25 acupressure points and 8 meridians running through the face. Here we can influence the body's overall health balance, including specific benefits for facial appearance.
The face is easy to offer for massage, yet it can be the most intimate and nurturing type of massage.
While face massage is super relaxing, 7 of the 8 meridians in the face are yang, or more energizing. This might explain why clients feel deeply relaxed during the massage yet balanced and energized afterward.​
Welcome to Collective Wellness
10 Reasons to Visit Collective Wellness
1. Learn Stress Coping Mechanisms
2. Sleep Better
3. Reduce Anxiety
4. Alleviate Neck/Back Pain
5. Soothe Muscle Tension
6. Mitigate Headaches
7. Enhance Exercise Performance
8. Increase Mental Clarity and Focus
9. Improve Cardiovascular Health
10. Lessen Joint Pain