If you listen to your body when it whispers then you won't have to hear it scream

Meet Sharon
PTA, LMT, RYT-500,
Certified Autoimmune Holistic Nutrition Specialist
Sharon has a deep interest in everything relating to living a long, active, and healthful life, both in body and mind. Knowing there is no "silver bullet", it's important to understand how and why the body works the way it does.
Years ago an unexpected autoimmune diagnosis sidelined her enjoyment of intense exercise, she took up low impact exercises including yoga. After realizing yoga is much more than a physical practice, she became a yoga teacher in 2015. Specializing in somatic movement therapy, she found she was able to help people with chronic musculoskeletal issues.
With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and passion for helping others she went back to school to become a physical therapist assistant. She received her license in Jan 2021. When the pandemic torpedoed her plans for her post-graduation career, back to school she went.
First on the list was training in fascial counterstrain, FCS, a gentle manual therapy that can help alleviate acute and chronic pain conditions. In order to freely practice FCS she needed her massage therapist license. During massage school she found that she was able to further help people and it became much more than a license.
With the impact that food makes on the body it was important to continue training in nutrition and she got certified as an Autoimmune Holistic Nutrition Specialist.
All that one can be, one must be.
MD PTA license A5444
MD LMT license M06312